Being healthy and wealthy is a great achievement for any individual that will lead him/her to attaining life's goal. So, a person who is healthy and wealthy can move around, travel to distant places, live in a cozy and classy residence, create a vast followers and fulfill his dream of having luxury lifestyle.
However, it is highly recommended that any individual whose aim is to be successful in life must primarily have full awareness in having healthy body, mind and spirit. A sick person cannot move on forward because of so many hindrances especially those who are suffering from chronic illnesses.
Therefore it will be difficult to create wealth if a person is suffering from illnesses so the first consideration is make yourself healthy then start creating wealth.
The key factor to this is making our immune system very strong to be able to fight against free radicals, infectious diseases and deadly viruses thus making us physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.
Add to these the right attitude, patience and hard work then creating abundance can be easily attainable.